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Behaviour Of Mass Communication Students Towards The Use Of Library Resources


Library is one of those resources which are essential to support and strengthen the educational quality. Over the centuries, libraries are the source of keeping and distributing the information through books, journals, maps and other resources that are used by students in their learning process. Unfortunately, library resources are the most ignored area in institutions of teacher education.

See Samples Of Undergraduate Final Year Project Topics For Students

There is hardly any disagreement that libraries in our institutions are deficient in trained professional staff and material available for supporting student learning. By linking Schamber and Siddiqui, it isclear that library resources i.e., human resources (strength of library officials, their qualifications and experiences), physical resources (library study space, chairs, tables, books and books selves, etc), printed and e-resources are essentially important in preparing teaching activities, lecture notes, students assignment, conducting their research work, accessing e-journals and web sites, subscription to online journals by teachers and students of ADE (Associate Degree in Education) and B. Ed. (Hons.). Therefore, it seemed worthwhile to explore and identify the current resources of libraries in the light of teachers and students requirements of those universities and affiliated colleges which are offering ADE (Associate Degree in Education) and B. Ed. (Hons.) programs


Student’s behavior reflects the interaction of their temperament and inherited personality, the history of their experiences, and the particular nature of each situation. In most circumstances it is impossible to determine what proportion each of these elements contributes to a given manifestation. It also differ in proportions which vary from student to student and even from situation to situation for a single student. Although it is difficult to modify personality of a student having problem behavior, it is possible to modify behavior by identifying and correcting adverse situations in the environment and by introducing appropriate interventions. If adverse environmental conditions are corrected at an early stage, there is a greater possibility of preventing or diminishing their impact on behavioral pattern of student in question


Mass communication students need various kinds of information resources for sourcing for undergraduate final year project topics and various research, for the purposes of impacting knowledge to students and self-development. For learning to take place, mass communication students and learners must have access and use the necessary and adequate information resources. Library resources contain information in both print and non-print formats such as textbooks, journals, indexes, newspapers and magazines, reports, internet, video tapes, diskettes, and microforms. Library resources are the raw materials that provide vital services in the teaching and learning process. Accessibility of library resources creates an enabling environment for the utilization of library resources. It is assumed that if information is accessible to the mass communication students in university libraries, it could be used for effective teaching. The main goal of the university library is for users to gain access to its abundant wealth of information resources. Information sources are efficient if they provide relevant, useful and accurate information that can help users solve their problems. Accessibility of library resources means the ease of locating and retrieving a piece of information from the storage medium. The role of the library therefore is to make available organized materials that will enable the institution to achieve its set objectives. Hence, the university library is the nerve centre, the central and primary place of the institution’s academic activities.


From antecedent, mass communication students’ information behaviour has attracted scholars from multi-disciplinary background. This has led to the provision of various models to explaining mass communication students’ information behaviour among information users. The various mass communication students’ information behaviour models are Wilson’s model of Mass communication students’ information behaviour. The success of an educational institution depends on the provision of information resources to its human resources which include staff and students and improved positive behaviour. A major strategy to providing these information resources has been through the provision of effective library in the education system and counseling service to improve mass communication students’ behaviour.  The library provides resources which are essential to support and strengthen educational quality. The library can be seen as the collection of information resources and the place where the information resources are kept for consultation. Furthermore, a library is a repository of various forms of information which may be in print and non-print formats such as books, periodical, reference materials, manuscripts, magazines, theses, gazettes etc. Other non-printed materials like microforms, films, magnetic tapes, slides, video tapes and data stored in electronic media like discs, CD-ROMs can also be found in libraries. Major libraries and information resources are magazines, newspapers, filmstrips, videotapes, recording of all types, slides, computers, books, journals, maps, dissertations/theses, conferences and seminar papers, and other resources such as electronic resources


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