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Behaviour Of Mass Communication Students Towards The Use Of Library Resources

  Library is one of those resources which are essential to support and strengthen the educational quality. Over the centuries, libraries are the source of keeping and distributing the information through books, journals, maps and other resources that are used by students in their learning process. Unfortunately, library resources are the most ignored area in institutions of teacher education. See Samples Of Undergraduate Final Year Project Topics For Students There is hardly any disagreement that libraries in our institutions are deficient in trained professional staff and material available for supporting student learning. By linking Schamber and Siddiqui, it isclear that library resources i.e., human resources (strength of library officials, their qualifications and experiences), physical resources (library study space, chairs, tables, books and books selves, etc), printed and e-resources are essentially important in preparing teaching activities, lecture notes, students ‟ ...
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Marriages In Nigeria: The Need For Counselling

Marriages in Nigeria are faced with lots of challenges because many go into the institution of marriage without proper counseling or an understanding of what they are getting committed to. Many go into marriages with lots of expectations and when those expectations are not met or achieved it causes problems in the marriage which in most homes can lead to separation (divorce). However, irrespective of whatever challenge one may face in marriage, if communication doesn’t solve it then counseling should be a given a chance. Meeting a counselor for marital issues especially ones that dialogue can’t solve is highly recommended and advisable. Some Nigerian couples do not see the need to meet a counselor; some see it as inviting a third party to their marriage and because of this mentality they keep having unresolved issues in their marriage which could affect them physically, psychological and even emotionally. Nevertheless, Marriage as a physical as well as a moral union is recognized b...

Tips On How To Meet Undergraduate Project Deadline

It is expected of every Undergraduate student to carry out a research as a part fulfillment of their degree. The research provides an avenue for students to gain in-depth experience learning and conducting with a topic related to their specific course of study. The students are exposed to how and why research is developed to help solve problems that currently do not have answers. Typically, undergraduate students are not exposed to conducting research until their final year. Undergraduate research also provides an opportunity for research advisors to guide the students on their path to becoming professionals and help them explore career opportunities that may not otherwise be available. However in carrying out this research work, there is a deadline for submission and defence and is expected of every undergraduate student to met up with the deadline. There is nothing like a looming deadline to spur undergraduate students to work harder and longer to meet it.  In addition to ac...

undergraduate project topics

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Educational Tips To Healthcare Workers During This Period Of Covid19

Corona virus infections are respiratory viruses which are known to cause illness ranging from common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome. It is well established that the virus can be transmitted from one person to the other by coming in contact or touching surfaces of an infected person. Health care workers are mostly in contact with patients and are important source of exposure to infected cases in health care settings, with this it is expected that health care workers are at high risk of getting infected Health care workers are also those in the frontline on tackling the corona virus , hence are directly involved in covid19 prevention and treatment and also having direct contact with confirmed or suspected cases through patient intake, treatment, specimen collection, testing, pathogen detection and pathologic anatomy of medical and healthcare professional and technical personnel. Educational tips to health care workers especially this period of covid19 pandemic is very ...