Corona virus
infections are respiratory viruses which are known to cause illness ranging
from common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome. It is well established
that the virus can be transmitted from one person to the other by coming in
contact or touching surfaces of an infected person.
Health care workers
are mostly in contact with patients and are important source of exposure to
infected cases in health care settings, with this it is expected that health
care workers are at high risk of getting infected
Health care workers
are also those in the frontline on tackling the corona virus , hence are
directly involved in covid19 prevention and treatment and also having direct
contact with confirmed or suspected cases through patient intake, treatment,
specimen collection, testing, pathogen detection and pathologic anatomy of
medical and healthcare professional and technical personnel.
Educational tips to
health care workers especially this period of covid19 pandemic is very
important as it will save and reduce the risk of getting infected. Health care
workers are also humans and as such should be protected by all means from the
corona virus infection; all possible actions must be taken to control the
spread of the infection to healthcare workers, first by identifying the risk
factors for infection and thereby taking the right and appropriate measures and
also adherence to safety guidelines.
The established fact
that health care workers are also at the risk of getting infected with corona
virus is a critical issue that calls for serious concern because healthcare
workers help in controlling the outbreak as well as treat those who are
infected with covid19. Transmission of this virus to health care workers can be
through overcrowding, absence of isolation room facilities, environmental
contamination, lack and shortage of PPEs to health care workers.
Importance Of Health Education
The knowledge of
health education to health care workers will influence their attitudes and
practices towards handling covid19 infection. To understand the importance of
health education, we must have to understand what heath education is.
Health education is the process
of educating people about their health and health issues. Health education is
teaching individuals, groups and the society to behave in manner that is
conducive to the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health. It is the
process of psychological and social dimensions relating to activities which
will increase people’s abilities to make informed decisions affecting their
personal, family and society’s total well being.
The importance
of health education especially in this pandemic period cannot be
overemphasized. It is very important so as to reduce the risk of infection and
reduce the spread of the virus. Educating people on their health and the
importance of keeping a good hygiene in this pandemic is very important.
The importance
of health education to health care workers will motivates them to improve and maintain
their health, prevent
disease and reduce risky behaviors.
To The Use Of PPE
Even though some
healthcare workers are complaining of unavailability of PPEs at their work
place, some healthcare workers that have PPE don’t use them and do not adhere
with the use of PPE. Lack of strict adherence to the use of PPE poses a big
threat to health care workers who are in constant contact with covid19 patients
in one way or the order.
There is news going
round about healthcare workers infecting other patients in their hospitals who
are not infected with corona virus, this can only be possible because of the negligence
and carelessness on the part of health care workers. If health care workers
must be protected from getting infected with covid19, then a strict adherence
to the use of PPE is paramount and where there is none or shortage it should be
provided for them to reduce the risk of health care workers getting infected
and infecting others.
Personal Hygiene
personal hygiene is one of the important tips to observe during this period of
covid19. Improving on personal hygiene means improving on those practices and
conditions that help to maintain, preserve health and also prevent the spread
of infections.
Maintaining a good personal
hygiene habits like bathing or washing the body, washing of hands regularly,
washing and trimming of hair for the men to avoid camping of diseases, cleaning
of surfaces and many others. Some people are only mindful of their bodies,
leaving out their environments and work places forgetting that a clean
environment is a healthy environment.
Personal hygiene goes a long way in preventing and minimizing the spread
of disease both at home and every other everyday setting like the workplace,
schools, worship centers, all forms of social gatherings etc.
On Your Emotions
As a healthcare
worker, you must learn to be in control of your emotions, know when to act fast
in order to save a life ignoring the pains the patient may be feeling at that
time. If you become too emotional at that time, a life may be lost, as a result
of feeling pity for him/her. In this covid19 period, you see healthcare workers
getting emotional with an infected patient who can put them at risk to their
health and possible contamination.
However, some
healthcare workers are very rude and lack manners, some of them do not know how
to approach medical issues and conditions of patients, and because of this some
of them attend to patients hurriedly neglecting all safety precautions which
can protect them from getting infected.
Above all, work on
your emotions; understand when to let it out and when to hold back. This is for
your safety and that of others as well.
Some Undergraduate Topics On Health Education
Reading expands your
knowledge on lots of issues. You can read some undergraduate research project
topics on health education; it will help you a lot in understanding all
about health and how to stay safe.
You can check out
some undergraduate topics on health education in this project site
Information Overload
Taking in and
absorbing lots of information is highly detrimental to your mental health.
Learn to sieve out every information take the important ones and discard the
chaffs. Be mindful of the information you feed on and the people who spread
them. Information overload can be weighty to the mind and may lead to
Great men and women
are known for their show of bravery at any given issue and time. Be brave and
courageous in this period of covid19, believing that we will all come out of it
hale and hearty.
For more educational
tips visit:
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